I'm probably more scared of water than I am of ghosts.
Like, water doesn't terrify me. I have a healthy respect for it. I can swim. I drink a ton of it. But I also know that drowning is probably one of the worst ways to go. Again, healthy respect.
But I don't respect ghosts. I can diss them as much as I want. What're they gonna do about it? I gladly walk through haunted stuff all of the time. I literally live across the street from a graveyard. I haven't heard the phantom knocking on my door for months now. I guess the ghost got bored of trying to spook me and gave up.
When I first moved to my current place, there was a random knocking on my door some nights. I live on the second floor of a house and nobody has access to the interior door except me. But there would be knocking on it around 2:00 am some nights. I'd wake up to it, shrug, and go back to sleep.
Again, what's that ghost gonna do? Worst thing it's done is interrupt my sleep. Up your game, ghost.